Sketch Writing Through Improv (Online)
Locations: Online
A masterclass in both improv and scene writing. Students will improvise scenes and use repetition to experiment with the structure of the scene they are crafting— exploring elements such as status, point of view, relationship, and setting as well as writing mechanics including fish out of water, center vs the eccentrics, and simple but impossible task. Written versions of the scenes will be brought back to class for notes as well as to inspire offshoot improvised scenes.
Fundamentals learned in this workshop can be brought with you to your improvisation, acting, and writing. Students will leave this workshop with several written scenes that will encourage more writing and may inspire something grander.
How to Apply for Part-Time Workshops:
1. New applicants should first submit an online application. Once we receive your application we will contact you to schedule your entrance interview appointment.
In-Person (NY) Workshops Application Online Workshops Application
2. If you are a former student within the past two years, please check with as you might not need to submit a new application.
3. If you are applying for a course that requires an audition, please submit a video link to either a performance of a contemporary/realism monologue or a demo reel.
In-Person (NY) Workshops Video Submission Online Workshops Video Submission