Online Acting for Film & Television
Locations: Online
Audition or Invite Required
This intermediate level class will cover techniques necessary to demystify both the on-set environment and the on-camera audition. Students will focus on scene objectives, intention, and action, and dive deep into character development. Students will practice relaxation and spontaneity of body and voice, while simultaneously making strong, clear character choices appropriate for on-camera. Students will also gain an understanding of the audition room, and the expectations of a professional on-camera audition.
How to Apply for Part-Time Workshops:
1. New applicants should first submit an online application. Once we receive your application we will contact you to schedule your entrance interview appointment.
In-Person (NY) Workshops Application Online Workshops Application
2. If you are a former student within the past two years, please check with as you might not need to submit a new application.
3. If you are applying for a course that requires an audition, please submit a video link to either a performance of a contemporary/realism monologue or a demo reel.
In-Person (NY) Workshops Video Submission Online Workshops Video Submission